“Be the Smoke”

I have heard this guidance many times. The first time I remember I was deep in a journey sitting in a small cave. The walls and the ceilings jagged with rock. There was no vision of anyway in or out. Smoke appeared in front of me. It danced and curled in the air. “follow me”. My eyes fixed on the smoke-we became one. We bumped up against the ceiling, large slabs of rock holding tiny spaces and cracks. We weaved our way gracefully and slowly eventually finding our way out and up, into the night sky. 

“Be the smoke”. 

Everything in nature follows the path of least resistance. When nature follows that path its not to say there isn’t pain, destruction, death, and rebirth. It simply means it follows the path of least resistance. If we watch smoke how it rolls and weaves its way up towards the heavens, it dodges and darts its way around objects, allows itself to be nudged and taken on the wind. It flows. 

Water in streams, rivers and on any surface navigates its way twisting and turning, scooting around the immovable objects. In all its power and flow, it moves all that is less than energetically and physically out of the way. It crashes and rolls over rocks. Bangs itself up against the banks and spreads itself over valleys changing the landscape forever.

Avalanches, volcanoes, earthquakes, tree roots…. everything follows this path. It’s Divine flow. 

So where is Nature traveling to on this path of least resistance? River’s flow to the ocean, smoke rises to the heavens, roots spread out wide. All in the energy of expansion. 

We and Nature are both created from source energy. Wouldn’t it make sense that our own expansion depends on traveling the path of least resistance too? 

Often where nature and humans separate on this, is we think or believe that the path of least resistance should be painless. That the less resistance the less pain. That might be the case if it was the path of no resistance! That might sound great for a minute, but here on earth, in our human experience, we’d get bored. Fast. 

The pain or the bumping up against the rocks is what makes Nature beautiful, diverse, full of wonder and life! Waterfalls, cliffs, babbling streams! All the things we see, love, and feel peace with when we connect to it. 

We are no different. However, our minds often resist the path of least resistance. Nature doesn’t think about where it’s going, but we sure do! We want to know how, where, when. We want guarantees! Will we like it? Will it feel good? Will it be exactly how we want it and how we think it should be? All these thoughts are a greater resistance!  Why? Because our minds spend a lot of energy to avoid pain. But wait! Didn’t we just figure out it’s the bumps and pain that make beauty, diversity, and wonder in life? Didn’t we see that when we connect to Nature and the energy of Divine flow we feel peace?

So, what feels better? The connection to beauty and peace or worry? Fear? Never ending doubt? Obsessive thought? That feels like suffering to me. Suffering will never lead us to expansion, it only keeps us stuck, lost in the round and round of the mind. 

The path of least resistance will have its bumps and bruises. It will most definitely have heart break and pain. But if you look back over your life. When have you ever gone through those things and not come out the other side stronger, wiser, more compassionate and connected to who you are? It doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell at the time, But it’s impossible to have remained the same . You grew, you felt, and you loved. You expanded. 

“Be the smoke”

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